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Friday, April 18, 2014

Some Reasons for HVAC Troubles

Toledo is most certainly happy that spring has arrived. The bitter polar vortex that struck the entire Midwest and East Coast during the winter may have put a lot of people under extreme duress, so the amiable spring weather is a welcome change.

However, people aren’t the only ones who were tested by the frigid cold; a lot of household HVAC systems were also put to the test. Thermostats were probably turned up as mercury in the thermometers went down, and it is possible that some units sustained damage during the entire ordeal.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Furnace Warning Signs to Pay Attention To

Like any other equipment in your home, the furnace needs to be regularly inspected to see if it will remain functional in the next winter. Additionally, it pays to watch out for signs that can mean your furnace needs replacement. Here are some of these signs.

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