Monday, May 5, 2014

Signs You Need Electric Furnace Repair

Given the brutal winter conditions that Toledo locals dealt with from late 2013-early 2014, it’s only fitting that they put their electric furnaces to good use. However, while electric furnaces run cleaner than gas or oil furnaces, owners still have to regularly change the filters and duct cleaning to keep them in good condition. At times, however, replacement of filters and duct cleaning is not enough.

Equipment produces little or no heat

If the electric furnace is not producing the desired amount of heat or no heat at all, homeowners can try increasing the temperature settings. If this step doesn’t work, the cause of the problem may be a broken belt. Homeowners can refer to their manuals on how to replace a broken belt, but it’s recommended they turn to professionals to ensure the new belt is properly placed.

Blower runs nonstop

A blower that runs continuously can send your utility costs through the roof. Homeowners can try setting the thermostat to OFF and wait for a while. If this doesn’t do anything, it means that an inspection from an HVACspecialist is in order since the cause is probably a defective blower relay.

System repeatedly turns on and off

Having an electric furnace that constantly switches on and off is a big headache. Homeowners may find it helpful to clean or lubricate the blower assembly. However, if this doesn’t help, professional repair may be necessary to get the system back to normal working condition.


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